Whitney wogan,
Teacher of Neelakantha Meditation

I first learned to meditate when I was fifteen. In spite of that strong initial attraction and early start, I was a frustrated, inconsistent meditator for the next 37 years. Nothing delivered the promise that meditation offered. I thought, ” I just wasn’t the meditating type.”

So, I was surprised and delighted when I learned Neelakantha Meditation and started to experience deep states of calm. Finally! It wasn’t a struggle to practice. Over time, it became very clear that meditation made my life better.

Neelakantha Meditation works for me because I have a useful, coherent understanding of what meditation is and how this practice works. With this foundation, I’m able to support myself through different thresholds and experiences. It is my pleasure to be an authorized teacher of Neelakantha Meditation as taught in Blue Throat Yoga.

Paul Muller-Ortega,
Founder, Blue Throat Yoga

Professor Paul Muller-Ortega, PhD, teaches the elegant and highly effective practice of Neelakantha Meditation, now practiced by thousands of students around the globe. Paul is an internationally recognized meditation teacher, and one of the world’s most highly respected academic scholars in the field of Indian Religion and Hindu Tantra.

He has practiced meditation for over fifty years. He has formally studied with several of the greatest meditation masters of our time, and has taught hundreds of meditation seminars to thousands of individuals. He offers retreats, advanced study courses and a rigorous, profound training program for teachers of Neelakantha Meditation. With this rare combination of scholarship, experience, skill, spiritual practice, and profound insight, Paul teaches his students to abide in the Heart of Consciousness: a journey that is inspiring, life changing and enlightening.

Contact Whitney