The Practice
When you practice meditation over time, you give yourself an extraordinary gift: a refuge of deep nourishment inside your very self.
Neelakantha Meditation is a simple, effective practice that is easy to learn and do. Based on the principle of effortlessness and the inherent nature of your body- mind, there’s no attempt to harshly stop your thoughts or control your mind. Instead, the practice gives you access to a natural, spontaneous current which draws your attention deep inside yourself. When practiced regularly over time, what you find inside yourself will astonish you.

This twice daily, seated, closed-eyed practice requires no particular skill, belief, special talent, or previous experience. The capacity to move deep inside yourself is your natural birthright as a human; it’s just a matter of learning how to do it and then practicing.

Neelakantha Meditation uses the vibratory tool of a mantra to pivot your attention from its usual outward focus to more subtle levels inside yourself. (You may be entirely unaware of these deeper aspects of your own being.) As we learn to traverse effortlessly inside ourselves into the deep silence, we release accumulated fatigue, stress and long-held negative patterns. The peace and clarity found in our deepest self rise to the surface of our awareness and support us, perceptibly, throughout our day.
If you have struggled with meditation before, you may be surprised by how easy this practice is. If you are new to meditation, you may be delighted to find it really works. Designed for people who have responsibilities and obligations, there’s no need to renounce or reject any part of your life. Instead, you engage in life more effectively, even delightfully. Since it can be done anywhere you can safely close your eyes, busy people find it easy to incorporate into their schedules.

Neelakantha Meditation is not magic; problems will still arise. However, because of your practice, you’ll become more effective dealing with the inevitable challenges. Over time, your capacity grows and you become more resilient.

Neelakantha Meditation is self-validating. The more you practice, the more you experience. The more you understand, the more you value its practical benefits. There is no belief involved, only direct experience and a blossoming comprehension.

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