Meditation in Business

Superior skills are required to run today’s businesses.
Meditation is one such remarkable skill: simple, extremely practical and profoundly effective.
As a business owner, your choices affect the health and success of your business. Choosing to spend brief periods in daily meditation will deploy tremendous leverage to support you as you navigate the inevitable challenges. When practiced regularly over time, you develop resilience, make better choices, and strengthen positive habits while negative habits attenuate. (My personal experience running a business for seven years with the support of my meditation practice convinced me of its efficacy.)

Neelakantha Meditation works for business owners because it is…
A beautiful analogy applies to meditation and business. In archery, the archer first draws the arrow back, away from the target. The farther back the arrow is drawn, the more powerfully the arrow can surge forward to hit the target. This same principle works in meditation, you draw your attention deep inside in the opposite direction, away from the external world. You turn to and steep in the pulsating energy of your deep self. When you emerge, you bring traces of that creativity, power and clarity to engage more effectively in your business.

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